Your New Hosanna Home

The Perfect Home For Your Next Chapter

When you work with Hosanna Construction & Realty, your dream home becomes our dream home. Whether you choose to buy or build, we work with you to find beautiful, well-designed homes that meet your needs.

We will help you move into quality homes that meet your size requirements, taste, and budget. The result? A dream home that exceeds your expectations.

Going Above and Beyond

Long-Lasting Homes

Our more than 15 years in the construction industry equip us to find long-lasting, high-quality, energy-saving homes for you to enjoy.
As you start a new adventure, begin it in a home that meets all of your needs, with a level of quality and beauty that goes
beyond what you have imagined.

Built to Save Energy

Save on Utilities

As a Certified Build To Save Builder, we understand the importance of energy savings, and we know what makes a home more energy efficient. If we build your home, you will save more on utilities than you would on a comparable house.

When we help you find a home to buy, we will help you find houses that have energy-saving features to reduce your energy costs. Spending less to live in your dream home? It is possible, and we can help you do it.